*****WARNING: I cuss....
2 Posts in one day!
Yall in for a treat!!!
Who went to see "Get Out" yesterday?
YALL!!!! That movie was A+! Let me get that out there first! That movie was amazing.
I don't know about anyone else, but I enjoy watching Key and Peele. They in fact do have a way of bringing racial issues to light in the funniest ways. Which is why I expected a funny, silly movie.
I also remember seeing the previews for the very first time and people like me saying "Yo what the fuck is this shit?" and "Black people selling out." You were wrong. You all were wrong! Hooomahgawd!
So my friend and I walked into the theater and marveling at the fact that the the audience was a bit more white than expected, but I mean let's keep it all the way real! White folks like to be entertained by funny black people.
The movie starts and they don't hold back AT ALL. Even in the first scene.
I hear the white audience members laughing, but I know damn well they weren't laughing for the same reasons us black folks were laughing.
This movie portrayed microagressions perfectly. The way Peele developed those characters was so on point that I could see people I knew in every single damn character which had me even more invested in the film.
By the end of the movie the white guy next to me was scoffing while the black audience members were hollering "Kill that mufucka!" And I'm chanting "Yasss! Reparations af!"
This was like a formal "Fuck your white privilege" and a cautionary tale that black women have been trying to stress to black men. A white woman may love you, but rest assured she loves her privilege more and will whatever to maintain it.
I don't want to post any spoilers because you NEED to see this movie. It was INTENSE!
It was so good that my friend and I vowed to go see it again. This will definitely make it to my home movie collection.