Saturday, September 9, 2017

Have You Been Impacted By The Equifax Breach?

In this day and age where most everything rests on your credit score it is imperative that you constantly monitor your credit. It weighs even heavier for single parents.

Equifax is currently under fire for it's data breach.

I want everyone to be as safe as possible.

Here are some really easy steps to see if you have been impacted by this breach. (Sidenote: Please don't come for my battery life! It's charging!)

First, you'll want to type in the website highlighted down below:

You'll come to a page that looks like this. Mind you I'm on the mobile site, so the layout may be a little different if you do this from your desktop.

You'll want to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link that reads "Potential Impact" as shown below.

Once you've clicked on "Potential Impact" you'll want to scroll to the bottom of the next page where you'll see a link titled "Check Potential Impact"

The next page will prompt you to enter your last name and the last 6 digits of your social security number.

The next page will reveal whether you've been impacted by the breach. In my case my personal information was compromised by the breach.

So why did I say "NO!" to enrolling?
Well, it's believed that it would opt you out of the class action lawsuit against Equifax. Whether this is true or not I personally do not trust the protection of someone who was just recently hacked. There are other methods of protecting your identity.

In the meantime keep your eyes and ears open about further developments regarding this matter.